SIMEA is an event held by AEA – Brazilian Association of Automotive Engineering, and is an acknowledged debate forum among the market engineers and experts, government agents, universities and opinion makers connected to the mobility engineering that achieves meaningful current subject content presented and discussed by the market main leaders.
The symposium occurs during two intense days of work, information and knowledge to more than 1,200 attendants expected. SIMEA also fosters the main technological specialized market show of the field to visitors and guests.
Main points: Lectures, debate panels, round table, technical sessions, technology show and exhibition, networking and governmental presence.
Diretor de Eventos AEA
Diretor de Eletromobilidade AEA
Assessoria de Imprensa AEA
Robert Bosch
Gerente Executivo AEA
Vice Coordenador SIMEA 2022
Coordenador SIMEA 2022
Diretor de Combustíveis AEA