Speaker Details

Arnaldo Jardim

Câmara dos Deputados


  • Civil Engineer

Professional Practice

  • Arnaldo Jardim is a civil engineer (POLI-USP). He is in his fifth term as a federal deputy for the state of São Paulo, where he served as Secretary of Housing (1992/1994), Secretary of Agriculture and Supply (2015/2018), and President of CONSEAGRI – National Council of Agriculture Secretaries (2015/2016). He was also a state deputy for four terms.
  • In the Federal Chamber, he is the national vice president of the Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA), president of the Front for a Competitive Brazil, and the Special Committee on Energy Transition and Green Hydrogen Production.
  • Among various subjects, he was the rapporteur for the National Solid Waste Policy – PNRS (Law 12.305/2010), the project that creates the New Legal Framework for Concessions and Public-Private Partnerships, and the one that instituted Infrastructure Debentures. Recently, he reported the “Future Fuel” Project and introduced the PATEN – Energy Transition Acceleration Program.
  • He is the author of the bill that created the Agricultural Sector Investment Fund – FIAGRO (Law 14.130/2021) and the New Credit Cooperativism Law (LC 196/2022).