
(Brazilian Currency)

AEA member

R$ 200,00

(Brazilian Currency)

AEA non-member

R$ 350,00

(Brazilian Currency)


R$ 50,00 

Register here Register here Register here


(Brazilian Currency)


  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lectures and technical papers access


Complementary Information

  • The registration fee is the same for one or two-day event.
  • Are considered AEA members individual members and / or employees of companies associated to AEA. If you do not know if your company is associated or not, please contact us by phone 11 5908 4032 or email  or check:
  • There will not be accepted accumulative discounts: ex: member + student.


  • Student registration will be accepted just for individual person payment (not for companies employees).
  • For student registration is required graduation course registration comprovant.
  • The receipt will be given only in the name of the student.


Payments Forms

  • Credit Card (PayPal);
  • At the event

Attention: Registration will only be confirmed after the payment be received by AEA, within two days before the event.


The cancel request should be send for the email: within 03 days before the event. After this date, AEA will Just accept substitutions, not cancels.


Other information

The nonparticipating attendance does not imply the cancellation of registration.
Coffee break are included in the registration fee.
Parking is not included in the registration fee.
The certificate will be available on the registration platform after the event ends.