Speaker Details

Margarete Gandini



  • Master’s degree in Development and International Trade (Department of Economics) from the University of Brasília – UnB.
  • Master’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Organizations and Competitiveness from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS.

Professional Practice

  • Director of the Department of Development of High-Medium Technological Complexity Industry at the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services – MDIC
  • General Coordinator for the Implementation and Supervision of Automotive Regimes at the Special Secretariat for Productivity, Employment, and Competitiveness – ME.
  • Specialist in Public Policies and Government Management at the Ministry of Economy – ME.
  • Responsible for managing the Rota 2030 Mobility and Logistics program, which aims to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the mobility and logistics sectors in the country by implementing measures to achieve sustainable logistics and mobility in Brazil – economically, socially, and environmentally.

    Key projects developed:

  • Regulation of the Rota 2030 Mobility and Logistics Program
  • Implementation of Priority Programs and Projects for the automotive sector
  • Update of the Non-Produced Auto Parts Regime
  • Fleet Renewal Program
  • Revision of the ex-tariff regime for Capital Goods (BK) and Information Technology (BIT)
  • Mover Program